Susan Martin

Susan (Sue) Martin is the President/Secretary-Treasurer of the Nebraska State AFL-CIO, which represents 23,000 members across the state of Nebraska. She was elected at the Nebraska State AFL-CIO Constitutional Convention in September, 2015.
Martin, the first woman to serve as Nebraska State AFL-CIO’s President/Secretary-Treasurer, has served on the Nebraska State AFL-CIO executive board from September, 2004 to September, 2015. Sue received the Nebraska Labor Leader Hall of Fame award in 2015.
Martin retired after 26 years with the Nebraska Department of Education when elected to the President/Secretary-Treasurer position with the Nebraska State AFL-CIO in 2015. During her employment with the state of Nebraska, she was an applications developer working with K-12 schools on data collection and research.
Martin has been a member of NAPE/AFSCME Local 61 since 1996. During her time with AFSCME, she served on the Executive Board as Secretary, then Treasurer, resigning that position in 2015. She was also a delegate to the Lincoln Central Labor Union, serving on the Executive Board as Treasurer from 2008 to 2015. In 2013, Martin received the Al Bauer Labor Leader award through the LCLU.